Effortless Hiring

Here’s how it works

Post Job

Post requirements in a few clicks & sit back while our Matchbox AI does all the heavy lifting to recommend the most eligible candidates.

Shortlist & Evaluate

Get Smart Suggestions based on their proficiency in each skill-set and experience for an easier and seamless hiring process.

Hire Right

Hire fast, hire right and hire bright. Our proprietary matching algorithm - Matchbox AI will recommend best matching candidates as soon as you post a job.








Stress Reduction

Efficient Hiring

Post requirements & find a perfect fit.

Take control of your hiring process from the user-friendly Dashboard. Shortlist, Hire, Reject, or Hold candidates.

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6 major benefits of Matchbox AI

Receive Smart AI-Based suggestions about perfect candidates as per your requirement.



Hire in
few steps


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Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help you

Matchbox is an AI based advanced algorithm that matches the jobs posted by recruiters with the skills possessed by job seekers. Matchbox ensures that the recommended candidates for a particular job are not overqualified or underqualified and possess all the must-have skills along with the desired experience in those skills.

We do not notify you about a match until a candidate is a Perfect or Great match for a job i.e. Matchbox AI ensures that whatever we recommend is an absolute match with your requirements without any human involvement.

Our system is designed to reduce the time required to make hiring decisions. You will receive highly relevant applications powered by Matchbox AI which will save your time and effort while shortlisting candidates for a particular position.

We help candidates with the most fundamental part of job seeking i.e. Resume. Candidates are engaged with Matchbox AI during the process of making a Resume that guides them to write better. Candidates can apply for jobs with just one click once the Resume is created. Speed and intelligence is what we offer the job seekers along with the best matching jobs.

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