Tabasum Nabi

Seeking a beginner role to enhance and explore my technical knowledge gained at quest group of institution in the last three years. I am pursuing B.Tech 3rd year college and won the quiz challenge held at the campus.

Key Skills

Communication skills
Problem-solving skills
Critical Thinking


Nov 2014
Mar 2016
12th in Candid higher secondary school
Jul 2018
Jun 2022
Btech cumputer science in Quest group of institution
Punjab technical university (PTU)

Hobbies & Interests

  • Travelling
  • Modelling
  • Playing sports



Career Aspiration

I do not have a precise role in mind, but my aim over the next three years is to be at a place where I can make a difference. Career advancement is significant to me, so I look forward to taking on more responsibilities and gain more industry awareness in the process.

Get in touch with Tabasum