Completed my graduation in 2020 and now willing to start my career in sales . Highly interested in working for BDA profile as it will give me the opportunity to travel, meet new people daily, coping up with new challenges everyday , learning practically about sales, will improve my negotiation and communication skills and will be very helpful for my overall development. And as I love traveling, meeting new people and as an active learner , BDA post will be very interesting for me.

Key Skills

Communication Skills
Negotiation skills
Active learning
Pressure handling
Challenge Facing Abilities


Aug 2016
Jul 2020
B.Tech in DIATM College

Hobbies & Interests

  • Travelling
  • Learning new things
  • Meeting New People



Career Aspiration

I see myself working in sales and continuosly learning new things. Trying to grow myself in sales background and also trying to grow the organisation for which I'm working for.

Get in touch with Subham