Aug 2019
Software Developer
Chennai, IN
A global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation.
Working as a full stack developer.
1) External Projects:- Currently deployed to a project and handling the front-end side using Angular.
1) External Projects:- Currently deployed to a project and handling the front-end side using Angular.
2) Internal Projects:-
- Capstore :- Product Page, integration among individual modules. A web-based e-commerce website that allows users to buy or sell products. Users can view products from different categories and buy them. The user will be able to see products of similar category, sort them, compare them etc.
- Subtitle Downloader:- It is a small desktop application that download subtitle files from the internet for the available videos in the computer using web scraping.
- Online Wallet Application:- A digital wallet is a software component that allows a user to make an electronic payment with the financial instrument (such as a credit card or a digital coin) and hides the low-level details of executing the payment protocol that is used to make the payment.