- Developed Text Summarization (seq2seq model for summarizing reviews of more than 500 characters) and Sentiment Analysis on Customer Surveys using Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Models.
- Implemented various text processing techniques such as PoS Tagging, Named Entity Recognition, Cleaning and pre-processing of text documents, Text Feature Extraction using Word2Vec and BERT, Text Classification using LSTM, RNN, etc.
- Built Abuse Detection Model and High-Precision Classifiers on Highly Imbalanced Dataset using Advanced Sampling Techniques and Ensemble Machine Learning Models.
- Built Semi-Supervised Machine Learning Models to predict the Demand of premium domains using a Combination of Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering and Classification Algorithms.
- Built Web Scrapers for extracting data from Domain Retailers like Google, GoDaddy, etc. using Selenium and Scrapy Python Libraries.
- Developed SQL Scripts to collect data from multiple tables using CTEs, Joins, Window Functions, etc.
- Technologies Used: Python, NLTK, Spacy, Flask, Apache Spark, Keras, TensorFlow, RNN, LSTM, Word2Vec, BERT, Apache Kafka, Cloud Computing, Scikit Learn, Pandas, Numpy, Docker, Kubernetes, TensorFlow Serving, etc.
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