Mar 2020
Software Trainee Engineer
Datamatrix Solutions pvt. Ltd
Chennai, IN
Project - Employee Management & Payroll System
Description : Employee Management & Payroll System is designed to manage the
employee of any organization and store the employee records, where an Admin can Add, Delete, and Update a new employee. Admin can manage the leaves, work of the employees. The user can manage his own profile and leaves, salaries and all other details as well. This Project also provides facilities of a payroll system which enables Users/Employers to generate Pay slips too.
Role : Team Member.
Front End : HTML, JS,CSS.
Back End : Servlet, JSP,JDBC,Mysql.
Server- Apache Tomcat.
Description : Employee Management & Payroll System is designed to manage the
employee of any organization and store the employee records, where an Admin can Add, Delete, and Update a new employee. Admin can manage the leaves, work of the employees. The user can manage his own profile and leaves, salaries and all other details as well. This Project also provides facilities of a payroll system which enables Users/Employers to generate Pay slips too.
Role : Team Member.
Front End : HTML, JS,CSS.
Back End : Servlet, JSP,JDBC,Mysql.
Server- Apache Tomcat.