Saiyed Nafisuddin jalaluddin

Seeking employment for the position of [Profession Name]. Under my employment, the company can trust in my earned expertise not only in discovering tactical strategies but also entrust in providing the company with the guidance needed to enhance their digital presence further and meet their [Relevant] objectives. Investing years to specialize in the inner workings of the online world, my value and contribution as an employee rely on helping to voice the brand.

Key Skills

Computer operator
Customer handling
Operator Ms excel, ms word


Jun 2015
Mar 2016
SSC PASS in C. U. Shah. Higher secondary school


Best back office handaling
Think Always High


Life is always about your first step...

~Saiyed Nafis

Hobbies & Interests

  • Kabaddi, volleyball,chess, cricket


English, hindi, gujarati

Get in touch with Saiyed