Looking for an entry-level position in the field of Information Technology, in a company whose values and goals are in conjunction with my own value and skill set. I wish to contribute to a dynamic team of individuals motivated to achieve the company’s goal while aiding my personal growth.

Key Skills

Microsoft Office
Active listening
Visual Design


May 2015
Jul 2019
B.Tech Information Technology in JJ college of engineering and technology
Anna university


  • Won science day elocution competition conducted by“Tamilnadu science and technology center” at anna sciencecenter-planetarium.
  • Participated in All India camel colors contest 2002 and 2003secured B grade in school level.
  • • Participated in painting contest conducted by The NewExpress publications, Madurai.


“Never let your memories be greater than your dreams."


Hobbies & Interests

  • Travelling
  • Reading books
  • Fashion Designing



Career Aspiration

Now, I’m ready for a new challenge. I want to gain experience in a multinational organization. I would like to manage international projects and globally dispersed teams. I have strong leadership skills and communication skills that I would like to continue developing.

Get in touch with Niveda