Mar 2020
Software Engineer
LNG Technologies Pvt Ltd
Kanchipuram, IN
Worked On Websites Using Html ,Css ,Boostrap and Also Using WordPress Technologies.
In LNGTECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD, There is a Mobile Application Called Facetek.Attendance Management Software for Organizations and Schools.The Application had a Web Application That was Developed using Angular and In that Company Managers,Admin will Manage Employee Daily Attendance Tracking in that I worked on Some Major things and In the Same Application There is a Separate Module is there Named Task Management this Whole Project was done by Me as a Front-End Part.
In LNGTECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD, There is a Mobile Application Called Facetek.Attendance Management Software for Organizations and Schools.The Application had a Web Application That was Developed using Angular and In that Company Managers,Admin will Manage Employee Daily Attendance Tracking in that I worked on Some Major things and In the Same Application There is a Separate Module is there Named Task Management this Whole Project was done by Me as a Front-End Part.
Here, is Breif Thing about that Project in Task Management There will be a Category based on that Task Will be Created and Subtasks Also created THEN We Craete a Client Details and In the Next Step WILL Mapp that client to that that Particular Task and Manage The Task In this Part we will Assign the Tasks to Employees with the Start and End date of the Task and In the Part of Task Closure Task will be Task Closed When it's Completed There we I'll set Billing Amount for he Employees and Worked Hours Also.After Closing the Task There will be Invoice Module, In that For the Completed Task Invoice Will be Raised and Will Create Invoice.
So,We can't Generate Reports for the Tasks