To secure a challenging position in a reputable organization to expand my learnings, knowledge, and skills .

Key Skills

Team Management
Strategic Planning
Communication skills
Time Management

Professional Experience

Aug 2018
Privile ged access monitoring (PAM) helps or ganiza tions mana ge their privile ged accounts in order to protect their critical assets, meet compliance r e gula tions and to pr event da ta br eaches . Responsibilities : 1. To monitor privileged user accounts as they have elevated p e rm ission s, a ccess to con fid en ti a l in fo rm a tion a n d th e ability to change settings. 2. Dynamic authorization abilities. For example, monitoring the access granted access for specific periods of time. 3 . T o p erform session M on itorin g th roug h Liv e Da sh b oa rd ( RT View ) a n d en su res th a t th at a ll critica l a ctiv ities p erform ed b y p riv ileg e a ccess u sers a cros s th e IT in fra stru ctu re is v iew ed in rea l -tim e so th a t w e ca n see what they did and when. This is very important for compliance and auditing purposes. 4. To Monitor the Video Logs executed by the privilege user w h ich a re cap tu red for a secu rity a sses sm en t. 5 . Perform m a n u a l ch ecks a p a rt from rea l tim e a lerts on daily basis to ensure all the activities are captured through the cyber ark reports and are under the com p li a n ce criteria wh ich a re sh a red w ith sta k e h old ers th rou gh th e critica l an d system a ccess rep ort. 6 . T o m on itor a ll th e a ctiv ities trig g ered a re p erform ed under a valid work record and a valid time window and m eets a ll th e com p lian ce criteria . 7 . T o p resen t Serv ice Rev iew Meetin g (SRM) to th e sta k eh old ers w ith a ll th e d eta iled in form a tion lik e: session s m on itored , IN C Ra ised , n u m b er of com p lia n ce an d n on – com p lian ce id en tified . 8 . T o m on itor a lerts for d ifferen t tech n olog ies lik e: Clou d , Ma in fra m e, N etw ork , M id d lew a re, Stora g e, Un ix , Win d ow s. 9. To showcase the data asked by the external auditors and walk them through the process if any additional question a rises.
Nov 2016
Jul 2018
Business Development Associate
Indian School of Business Mana gement & Administra Mumbai, IN
Handling Team & motivating the team MeetingSalesTargetfortheTeam. Developed and implemented marketing plans Analyzing latest marketing trends and tracking competitor's activities and providing valuable inputs for fine tuning of sales strategies. Monitoring, training and motivating the team and providing direction to the sales team for ensuring optimum performance and enhancing their skills.
Jan 2014
Oct 2016
Brand Manager
Laxmi Traders Mumbai, IN
Laxmi Tr aders Br anding campaign, for ecasting and Planning 2014 – 2016 Client Management, Handling Client requirements, Quotation follow up. Training new executives. Business Development. Handling sales and marketing for LED Lights Forecasting monthly/annual sales targets and driving sales initiatives to achieve business goals. Exploring potential business avenues and managing industrial sales for achieving increased business growth and initiating market development efforts Analyzing the performance of team members Worked and implemented on marketing strategies for the company. Team management: Handling team and planning & ensuring efficiency in meeting sales targets. Experienced in expansion and management of distribution network to ensure better penetration
Jan 2011
Jan 2014
Team Coach
SERCO Mumbai, IN
HandlingTeamof15Executives. Meetin g Ta rg ets for th e T ea m HandlingQuality&Performance. Providing coaching on quality and performance. Managing Client requirement and timely delivery of quality reports. Conducting Audit for agents. Demonstrating and meeting the monthly service/relationship needs of the clients.


Aug 2014
Aug 2015
Bachelor of commerce in Thakur College of Science & Commerce


Best Team Manager Award
Awarded as Best Team Coach in Serco by  offsite Stakeholders 



Get in touch with Mukesh