Aug 2018
Pune, IN
Privile ged access monitoring (PAM) helps or ganiza tions mana ge their privile ged accounts in order to protect their critical assets, meet compliance r e gula tions and to pr event da ta br eaches . Responsibilities : 1. To monitor privileged user accounts as they have elevated p e rm ission s, a ccess to con fid en ti a l in fo rm a tion a n d th e ability to change settings. 2. Dynamic authorization abilities. For example, monitoring the access granted access for specific periods of time. 3 . T o p erform session M on itorin g th roug h Liv e Da sh b oa rd ( RT View ) a n d en su res th a t th at a ll critica l a ctiv ities p erform ed b y p riv ileg e a ccess u sers a cros s th e IT in fra stru ctu re is v iew ed in rea l -tim e so th a t w e ca n see what they did and when. This is very important for compliance and auditing purposes. 4. To Monitor the Video Logs executed by the privilege user w h ich a re cap tu red for a secu rity a sses sm en t. 5 . Perform m a n u a l ch ecks a p a rt from rea l tim e a lerts on daily basis to ensure all the activities are captured through the cyber ark reports and are under the com p li a n ce criteria wh ich a re sh a red w ith sta k e h old ers th rou gh th e critica l an d system a ccess rep ort. 6 . T o m on itor a ll th e a ctiv ities trig g ered a re p erform ed under a valid work record and a valid time window and m eets a ll th e com p lian ce criteria . 7 . T o p resen t Serv ice Rev iew Meetin g (SRM) to th e sta k eh old ers w ith a ll th e d eta iled in form a tion lik e: session s m on itored , IN C Ra ised , n u m b er of com p lia n ce an d n on – com p lian ce id en tified . 8 . T o m on itor a lerts for d ifferen t tech n olog ies lik e: Clou d , Ma in fra m e, N etw ork , M id d lew a re, Stora g e, Un ix , Win d ow s. 9. To showcase the data asked by the external auditors and walk them through the process if any additional question a rises.