Aug 2020
Sakhi One Stop Centre
Dibrugarh, IN
The Government of India has proposed a Special Scheme named “SAKHI”, which is a One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC), intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace.
My experience in Sakhi One Stop Centre resulted in one of the best times of my life. Not only did I gain practical skills but I also had an opportunity to meet many people. They support women affected by violence in private, public, within the family, community and at the workplace. I learned to interrogate survivors and counsel them. I also learned to write case history of the aggrieved women with all the details which I had to collect through case work.
Overall, my internship with Sakhi OSC has been a success. I got to work on my theories and my thoughts practically while gaining skills. I made connections that will last lifetime.
Overall, my internship with Sakhi OSC has been a success. I got to work on my theories and my thoughts practically while gaining skills. I made connections that will last lifetime.