Jan 2021
Mar 2021
BNY Mellon International Ops India Ltd
Chennai, IN
Global Transfer Agency for North America location in which we particularly Concentrated on Alternative Investment Services dealt with Hedge Funds. Investor been investing in various funds, Our role is to take care of their accounts, Booking trades, Initiating Settlements and also provide various account related services.
- Booking Trades for the types listed New Account, Purchases, Redemption, Transfers and also provides Statements of their account to the Investor either on a Quarterly or Monthly basis.
- Creating New Contact for New Investors and sending them to AML team for approval.
- Dealing with wire details of Investors setting up their Bank details for settlement process while booking trade for redemptions.
- Also Involved in other activities like Uploading documents related for trade in application called CMS and also taken care of Cash Postings.