John Doe

Innovative Programmer and Internet Entrepreneur striving to make the world a more unified and connected place. A creative thinker, adept in software development and working with various data structures.

Key Skills

Software Design And Development
Problem Solving and Logical Thinking
AWS, Azure
C, C++, Python, PHP
SQL, Mongo, Oracle
Node.js, Vue.js

Professional Experience

Dec 2015
Software Engineer
Johannes Initiative Neudorfl, UM
  • Worked to enhance software systems to help educators, scientists, and policy experts already working on some of humanity’s greatest challenges.
  • Developed and enhances programs to increase accuracy and lower costs. 
  • Developed strategies to ensure compliance with new standards. 
  • Handled debugging and troubleshooting with a high success rate. 

Feb 2004
Sep 2015
Software Engineer
Kindlinks, Inc. Rio Turbio, UM
  • Since founding Kindlinks, Inc. in 2004 I continue to work to build and improve it's infrastructure, offerings, product strategy, and design. 
  • Work to continuously lead developments helping people to create, share, and discover in new ways. 
  • Remain up to date with current events around the globe, and aim to serve the people of the world with better ways to connect. 


Aug 2001
Jun 2004
Master of Computer Science in Boston College


Amazon Web Services (AWS Certified Developer)
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop


High Speed Data Service Monitor
Developed a prototype and final solution to demonstrate the feasibility of a mobile friendly, single page web application to monitor data services. 
Leveraged a unique combo. of existing technology
 PHP Backend, using the Laravel MVC framework, to present a REST API to be consumed by an application written in Angular 1 and styled with Bootstrap. Used OpenStreetMap and a Postgres database with Post GIS for customer mapping; visualized maps with Leaflet 


“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page''

― Jodi Picoult

Hobbies & Interests

  • American Football
  • Gardening
  • Indoor Games
  • Pool
  • Walking
  • Writing



Career Aspiration

To secure employment as a software engineer with Bluetech to utilize my software installation and configuration skills to meet the needs of company clients.

Get in touch with John