Bhavya Sr

 Looking for an excellent challenging opportunity to work in your company.   Where my talent and knowledge can be the best utilized for the development of the organization.  Seeking to obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong technical, organizational skills to accelerate the development of the organization with impressive performance and career in a growth oriented organization that appreciates hard work developed through education and training.

Key Skills

MS Word MS Excel & Power point
Effective in Internet and Basic
Computer Applications
C, C++, Java, MySQL, OOPs, HTM
Well versed MS Office
Programming Languages


Jul 2019
Sep 2022
Gurukula education and management in Chickbidrukallu govt school
Bangalore University


Farming Assistent

                      The project farming Assistent is the platform where the farmers get know the current            profitability Through direct farmer to supplier and farmer to farmer communication. In If farmers have any doubts or problems they can ask Experts in this we will use MYSQL for database(DBMS mini project).

Online Food Management System(Working)
                The main purpose of the Online Food ordering Management System is to use it in the food-service industry. This feature helps hotels and restaurants increase their online food ordering system and Customer can choose from wide range of food menu within just few minutes.

Hobbies & Interests

  • Reading books


Kannada English

Get in touch with Bhavya