When you apply for any job opening, usually you are supposed to attach your resume and send it across. But, sometimes, you may require a cover letter as well. Many of you may be stuck wondering how to write a cover letter! Writing one is not as complicated as you may think.

What is the Cover Letter or Letter of Introduction?
A Cover Letter or Letter of Introduction is an additional letter or document attached along with a curriculum vitae or a resume. Ideally, it should be a single-page document which should include around 250-400 words at the most. Its primary purpose is to introduce you and briefly summarise your overall professional background.
Before you begin writing, know that a letter of introduction or cover letter is not a replacement of your resume; instead, it’s a supplement to your resume. It means that you are not supposed to repeat the details which are already mentioned on your resume.
If you’re writing this for the first time, you may find it a bit complicated. After all, you may probably not be a professional writer. But, the fact is, you don’t need to be a good writer or even be creative. All you’re required to do is to stick to a tried-and-tested format:
- The header should include the contact information
- Begin by greeting the hiring manager or the employer
- The opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention (Consider mentioning your top two to three achievements)
- The second paragraph should explain why you’ll be a perfect fit for the offered role
- The third paragraph should indicate why you’ll be an excellent match for the company
- In the end, there should be a formal closing
Tips: How to write a good Cover Letter (And get hired!)
Following is the list of things which should be included in your cover letter. However, you can also refer to our cover letter example and then begin writing.
1. Your details (Name and contact)
At the top, always write your name and the contact number. There is no need to mention your postal address but including your Email ID is essential. It creates a professional impression. However, your Email ID should be easy-to-read, and if it has your first and last name, you’re good to go.
2. The hiring company’s details (Name and contact)
Under your name and contact details, you must include the name, position and the contact details of the concerned person.
3. The title of the designation you are interested in applying
At the start, you need to mention which job you are applying for. You can do this in a single line by itself or include it in the opening paragraph.
4. A list of your Skills
An excellent cover letter should include a summary of the relevant skills matching the hiring company’s requirement. Preferably you should use a short bullet list.
5. A summary – Why you are fit for the job?
Once you’ve mentioned your skills and experience, explain how they align with the company’s requirements. In short, you must make them believe that you’re a perfect fit for the role.
6. Ask them to get in touch with you
Your cover letter should finish by formally asking the employer to read your resume and contact you about an interview.
How can CraftmyCV help?
CraftmyCV helps in building smart ATS ready resumes online. If you want to take control of your career, you need a great resume with proper structure and relevant details in order to stand out from the crowd.
Our research-driven resume templates with more than 25000 content suggestions will give you the much-required edge in landing the right job. Don’t procrastinate anymore, it will take only 10 minutes to create your resume from scratch.
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